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Experimenting with DMLS: Exploring Emotional Expression through Elasticity in Digital Manufacturing.

Following her work into Argentium silver and emotions, between 2012 and 2016, Kristina collaborated with Dr Lionel Dean on exploring the possibility of creating flexible structures using direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) to express emotions through movement. The work took one of Kristina's early jewellery designs, which had elastic components, as a starting point and translated this through DMLS. The researched explored the feasibility of creating such complex shapes, the creating of elasticity through DMLS, and the emotional affect of such structures, which has been published in two papers (see below).

Relevant Publications

Fels, D., Blackler, A. and Niedderer, K. (2021). Does bouncy equal happy? Comparing user's interpretations of emotions conveyed by one designed moving object based on the Soma-Semiotic Framework. Applied Ergonomics. DOI

Niedderer, K. and Dean, L. (2016). Flex-it: A framework for Exploring Emotional Expression and Experiences through Elasticity in Digital Manufacturing, Craft Research, 7 (1), pp. 51-77. link


© Copyright 2007-current Kristina Niedderer